Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Youth Today

A friend of mine (Elizabeth Lopez)posted this on Facebook. It's a very moving and insightful post written by her fifteen year old son. I had to share it and so I asked permission to post it here. I am so impressed with this young mans very perceptive view on the youth around him. He has an amazing spiritual maturity and it is evident in his writing, which makes it all the more extraordinary because he has so much more growth ahead of him, as we all do.


The bottom of this post has my signature on it but it was not written by me

Youth Today As Seen Through My Fifteen Year Old Son's Eyes

My son wrote this on his Myspace page and I just had to share he was speaking from his heart. I am so proud of him God has BIG plans for him....

"What's happened to living lives seperated and holy unto God? What happened to walking with him in the rough and praising Him in the good? What happened to being different from the world? What happened to being the kids with different music in the ipod, not stressing over relationships, not trying to sneak behind our parent's backs, staying pure til marriage, building each other up not tearing down, having clean mouths and jokes and being easily seperate from the crowd? Why do we sit on the fence b/w Christianity and the world. We mock those who do right and brag about doing wrong. We tear each other down and fight each other when our adversary the Devil sneaks about seeking prey. He has a grip so tight we can't even muster breath to pray. We can tell why Chris Brown beat up Rhianna or who at school is dating who? But we can't say who built the ark nor why Daniel was in a lion's den. The sad part is we gave the Devil his grip and don't fight to make him let go. Who'll step up and fight. Who'll go against the crowd. Who'll pray over their food and read a Bible at school? I'm gonna take the plunge to be sold out. Who else will? Who'll be a Daniel and go against the wishes of the people and be persecuted for worshipping God, who'll be like Noah and be mocked for doing God's will and work no matter what the outcome may be. Who'll stand up in our youth groups and say lets stop fighting each other and worrying about the latest gossip and get the message out to a lost and dying world. I was shocked today as I continually see what today's Christians are doing. Do we even know what happens post-Salvation? Do we even hear the Holy Spirit call? I'm taking the plunge today to be 100% sold-out. To go against the crowd and keep God's music in my ear, worry about my relationship with God not a girl, stay pure til marriage, study His word, pray without ceasing, be where Christians ought to be not hanging out in places we have no business in, use words and jokes that Christians ought to say. 100% who else is with me? I've been on this road a long time, I thought there were more behind me traveling towards God as well. Clearly not. But that can change. Who wants it to though?"

By Dashaun

1 comment:

Beth in NC said...

God bless this young man!