Monday, June 8, 2009

His Affection

Yesterday during the sermon my husband, the Pastor, took me by surprise when he spoke of me during his sermon. I was surprised because I had asked him not to speak of my health when he preached.

Anyway... the verse, the sermon was based on was

Proverbs chapter 3:5, 6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

He broke the verses down and ministered according to Gods will. It was

very edifying. Glory to God.

Toward the end of the sermon my husband said, "I am going to say this, and I'll probably say it a thousand times more, but I see a miracle everyday in my wife." Then he pointed at me and smiled.

I was stunned because I knew he was referring to my health and I specifically asked him not to speak of it, but right after the initial shock the Lord spoke to my heart and told me that He had a purpose and my husband needed to share the story. So I listened quietly to what the Lord was going to say through the story.

My husband went on to say that there are things in this world we might not understand but God knows all. His ways are not our ways.

He spoke of the last time I was hospitalized and how lengthy the hospital stay was and how he was very afraid because the doctors spoke to him and told him they didn't know what was going to happen. This is the first I was hearing of this. The doctors told him that if I beat the infection, I will improve but it was wait and see and five weeks later I was still in the hospital and not doing well and at one point I didn't even recognize him.

I was heartbroken to hear that and grateful I didn't remember not knowing who he was. He went on to say how he just broke down and cried and how he asked God if he was praying wrong. Then he said the words that God was longing to hear. My husband said, "No matter what happens, if she dies or if she lives, You are still God."

The next day when he went to see me at the hospital, I was up, lucid and on my way to recovery.

The doctors say there is no cure for my disease and it's still just wait and see but God is sustaining me and I am doing well. Praise God.

Four days ago my second child was very ill, and I had to care for her because her husband was away. I had her sleep in my home for a couple of days so that I can keep an eye on her. Those were a grueling two days.

On the third day we went to the doctor's office. I took her hand when she went through her painful test. I helped her through it, as any mother would.

She is feeling better today but still has a few more results to wait for, please keep her in prayers.

The point is, that we cannot understand how God works but we need to trust Him. I was supposed to have died and yet I did not, and still even more remarkable is the fact that I was well enough to care for my daughter. When at this point, according to the doctors, I should have been the one taken care of. God is amazing.

Since my husband has been a pastor, there have been many ups and downs but the ministry has always been rewarding and one of the rewards is the fact that I have seen how much my husband loves God and how much he loves me .

He has always been an affectionate man with me and because Christ is the center of our marriage, he has shown us both the importance of each other and how valuable we are to each other.

Thank you Lord, for my husband.

Father God,

Thank you for my husband and please help me and my husband to continue being affectionate towards each other in a sincere manner and an example to others that if You are in our lives, the love between us is real and strong, and that it is so important for us to know the importance of You being in the center of our marriage.

Keep our love for each other strong and the affection for one another honest. Help me to see my husband as a man who loves and values me and may I always love and value him and never ever leave the desire to show him affection always, and in an appropriate fashion.

Help me to show him affection when he needs it the most. Let me know when he needs that extra hug or peck on the cheek, when I don't see the need. Help him to see the need in me as well.

Help me to understand when it is not about me. Help us to lift each other up always, and never shy from being affectionate towards each other.

The best thing is Lord, and I thank you for this, is that first and foremost my husband loves You and because he loves You, he can love me and does, And because You are in my life, I will always love him. I asked that You stay in our marriage Lord, always.

In the name of Jesus Christ.


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