Monday, February 23, 2009

Hubby is praying in the bedroom and I hear his gentle voice as it becomes muffled through the bedroom wall and enters into the living room where i sit and type this. He will occasionally sing a few lines from an old hymn and return to his prayer. If i open the bedroom door i can also hear the turning of the thin pages of his Bible. The praise and worship eases my mind and puts a smile on my face as God fills this home with His peace.
As a pastor's wife....rather, as THIS pastor's wife I will do my utmost to encourage and support him. I will pray for my husband and his ministry, a ministry given to him by God. He is a mere vessel and my prayer is that God continues to be glorified in the sermons and in Hubby's task and responsibility as a pastor to His church.
I never thought in a million years that I would marry someone who would become a pastor but here I am honored that God allowed me this privileged. My goal is to be a good servant,wife, mother and pastor's wife and I ask that God lead me in every way. To reveal to me the way sin which I can be helpful to my hubby , in this way, he can find a second sanctuary at home and with me and the family, the first sanctuary being, of course in God.


Beth in NC said...

This is so incredibly sweet.

SheriYates said...

your blog is just beautiful.