Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's that time again when I look at my spiritual life and examine, self-evaluate it.
I was listening to a study and it was tremendously edifying.
This is what I got out of it; I need to have a determined purpose. I have often wanted to bury myself in all things spiritual, reading the Word, worship, studying, meditating as much as I can to get to that place where I have a spiritual relationship with Christ that is bringing me closer to Him and an understanding of what it is, to truly be Christ-like. I want clarity in the Lord. I want to know Christ just like I know everything about my best friend I want to know everything I can about Him.
I believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal God to me and He will disclose Himself to me (at least what He feels I should know.) I don't know enough about God , I need more, and I have a yearning to want to know more.
The Apostle Paul expresses this perfectly when he says in the new testament book of Phillipians, chapter 3:10 "...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death."
The little that I know is worth the loss of everything else I identify myself with in my life and the more that He chooses to reveal to me, the better. My friends and family may not understand but I think I need to grow up already (spiritually)"... put away childish things." 1Cor. 13:12. There are people who leave everything they have behind and seek refuge in God.
Being alone with Him and learning from Him would be so great.
My determined purpose is to know Him and to pull any fragments of knowledge of who I think Christ is and see if I am right or if my perception of Him is all wrong.I don't want to get emotional I want to know GOD!


LaSandra said...

Pastora Debbie, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog.

I love this post about knowing God. I believe this is the purpose of every man/woman's life!

God bless!

LaSandra said...
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ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Keep being hungry for Him and He will continue to feed you! Love your heart for Him!! =)