Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good Morning!

I woke up this morning determined once again to live the life that God wills me to live. I realize that I cannot live it, if I do not know His will and so I begin my day with prayer. In this way, I can be led by The Spirit in which direction to walk and in which choices to make in the small things and in the big things.

I have come to know that ALL decisions no matter how minuscule we think they are should be made under the security and the trust that God knows what is best for us. It is all about believing that God has our best interest at heart.

Last night I made a schedule of things to do. This is not my first To Do list but the first item on my list is and always should be prayer and reading of scripture. I cannot possibly begin my day without this, even morning coffee takes second place.

How can I even live without talking, communicating with God at the start of my day and throughout the day? How will I know what to do when a crisis arises or when an important decision has to be made? How will I heed warnings throughout the day if I am not in tune with God? How can I live without Him?

I used to wake up and pray as I made my bed and brushed my teeth but not anymore. I rise and then get on my knees and bow before Him , first thing in the morning.

Charles Stanley was once asked by a member of his congregation if prayer always had to be said on their knees and he answered, "No, but remember who you are talking to ." So I try to pray on my knees as much as I can ALONG with talking to Him throughout the day, as I wash the dishes or crochet or brush my teeth or cook.

I woke up today determined to live my life fully for Christ. I am looking forward to the day when I wake up not determining to do it, not pushing my way to do it but that living for Christ becoming something natural as natural as breathing. I don't have to be determined to breathe, I just breathe.

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