Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jesus Camp

Where do I begin? I have never been so livid during and after watching a movie/documentary. Listo had recommended this movie to me and I was trying to put it off. I have been catching up on my movie viewing and I finally saw it, with both regret and thankfulness. I regret it because I am so angry but I am also thankful that I have an opportunity to tell about another side of being Pentecostal. I am filled with fear, anger and confusion.

Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called the children to Him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (NIV)

This verse clearly is demonstrative of God’s perception of children as innocent. So, their chances of going to Heaven are set. It is when we are old enough to make decisions, old enough to choose between right and wrong, developmentally able to understand the consequences of the evil we do, it is then, that we are held accountable and rightfully so.

The head of this Jesus Camp is a woman named Becky who scares the heck out of me, how much more a small, doe eyed, five year old? Her quotes are jaw dropping. “Bush has given Christianity credibility?” What!? She constantly spoke of the passion of radical Islamic children and how indoctrinated they are to be passionate for the cause and how Christian children should be just as passionate.
Children are passionate about Xbox, Barbies,Pokeman . It is a rare thing when a child is set off to minister. I do believe it occurs but it is something that is not seen very often. Jesus Christ preached at the temple when He was twelve but He, after all, is Christ.

There were so many things that set me off as a Christian, a mother, a grandmother, a teacher both in School and in Sunday school about this movie. Levi is a boy featured in this documentary and he just grew on me, mullet and all. His mother home schools him and there is a scene where she is yelling and asking him. “What are you going to say when your teacher says evolution is stupid!?” He is meant to have a quick fire answer, filled with intellect and profound in spirituality, an answer that will change the life of his teacher. No pressure. If I were him I would have answered, “I’d be shocked because you’re my teacher.” But I’m just a smart aleck.

Let the child be!

That's my short review of this documentary

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