Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Tag Anyone who reads this

My Autobiography-

1. Where did you take/get your default pic? No Default pic yet.

2. Exactly what are you wearing now? black yoga pants and an aqua pullover

3. What is your current problem? Getting all my medical stuff in order

4. What makes you most happy? God, my hubby and my girls and my grandson

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to? Dont ask me why but the song from South Pacific is ringing in my head "There is Nothing Like A Dame." LOL

6. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? yes

7. Do you like MTV? Not since I've grown up

8. Name something that annoys you about people: Their obnoxious use of cellphones! I don't need to hear their conversations and I don't like getting interrupted 10x during a conversation because they have to answer their cellphones!!!


Chapter 1.

1.First name:Debra

2. Nickname(s):Mostly Debbie but it depends almost everyone has their own nickname for me

3. Current location: home/ Dining room

4. Eye color:Brown


Chapter 2:


1. Do you live with your parent(s)?No

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?yes, now I do, again because I've grown up

3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? My father passed away in 1980 and my mom lives alone in Columbus, Ohio

4. Do you have any Siblings? I have 2 sisters and 1 brother and some step siblings but are they still considered sibling after a divorce

Chapter 3


1. Ice Cream: Carvel, vanilla with rainbow sprinkles

2. Season: Spring and Fall

3.Color(s): Greens and blues and purples (Ha! like a bruise)


Chapter 4

Do You..

1. Write on your hand? I use to do it all the time,not anymore

2. Call people back? yes as soon as I remember

3. Believe in love? yes

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes

5. Have any bad habits? Heck yeah!

6. Any mental health issues? who doesn't?


Chapter 5

Have You...

1. Broken a bone? never

2. Sprained stuff? my ankle

3. Had physical therapy? no

4. Gotten stitches? yes...many

5. Taken pain killers? you betcha!

6. Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling? I'm Puerto Rican we rarely scuba dive or snorkel

7. Been stung by a bee? no

8. Thrown up at the dentist's office? no

9. Sworn in front of your parents? yes and paid for it dearly LOL


Chapter 6

Who/What was the last...

1. Movie you saw? Eagle Eye

2. Person to text you? Pastor Gaspar to give me a phone number

3. Person you called? My insurance company

4. Person to tackle you? my hubby

5. Thing you touched? the keyboard

6. Thing you ate? I've only drank coffee this morning

7. Thing you said? "What time will you be home today, Angie?"

8. Had a detention? Yeah LOL crazy

9. Been sent to the principals office? yes

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