Thursday, March 15, 2007


Last night I couldn't sleep so at about two in the morning I took three Advil PM's and my other meds and tried to sleep. Hubby was sound asleep and his snoring mocked me. I look over at him and his mouth is wide open and I think "Gee, I love this big pain in the butt." I get closer to him and smell his shirt, it's a cozy familiar smell that makes me feel secure. He moves a bit and with his eyes closed he pulls me over to him and I pull away because I'm not ready to sleep yet.
The wind is moving the curtains in my room and the breeze feels cool at first but then it gets too cold and I get up and put a sweatshirt on but I'm still cold. I get closer to hubby and put my cold feet on his very warm feet and they feel better but I am still cold. I look at the clock it is close to three. I close my eyes tight and try to keep my mind at ease, try to avoid thinking too much . I fall asleep.
After a while the familiar feeling is rising in my esophagus and I quickly get up. I'm choking again. I run to the bathroom and try to vomit. I wash up and go back to bed and try no to fall asleep because I will choke again if I lie down. I sit up and eventually fall asleep with 4 pillows behind me.
The phone rings at 10:30 this morning the Advil Pm is still in affect. I pick up the phone and it's a friend I havent spoken to in a while.
Who's this?
Has it been so many years you don't recognize my voice?
(I recognize her voice)
I hang up, turn and go back to sleep. I don't care.
She'll call back and I'll tell her I was too sleepy to talk.
I can't go back to sleep because I feel guilty that I hung up on her.

I never hang up on anyone...well...maybe that one other time.
I get up resentful of the interruption and am quickly attacked by my famished cat.
I stumble to the kitchen cupboard, no cat food!!!
I go to the fridge and pour some milk into his bowl , that ought to hold him.
I throw myself on the sofa and turn on channel seven, Rachel Ray is wrapping up , she is so...very animated
She looks at the camera and waves "See you when I see you!" Credits roll. It's over. I watch The View and listen to the hot topics and get all huffy when I hear the ladies. One panelists says after a debate on torture tactics by Americans in Guantanemo Bay, "Our country is better than others, anyway."
I get up and ignore the cackling hens. I am irritable and apologetic. I need to pray and for some odd reason I am avoiding it. As we all do, we procrastinate when we know that the only reason we are restless and cranky and can't sleep is because we need to pray.

After brushing my teeth with a new toothpaste, mmm pleasant., I make myself a cup of hot cocoa then surf the net, looking up W*ndows V*sta complaints, pages and pages of links on the pain in the neck of W*ndows V*sta.
This is my morning.
I bet your lives are more complete after this play by play.
Admit it

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