Saturday, July 25, 2009

Talk About Patience

I was reading the Book of Genesis today and was struck by Abraham and Sarah's story. I've read it a million times but you know how it is. There is always something new in God's Word. I read how God promises Abraham that he will have a son and that Sarah will give birth to the son and if you do your math, you'll realize that it took twenty five years for that promise to be fulfilled. Twenty five years!! The Bible doesn't record any times of doubt or giving up on Abraham and Sarah's part during those years. This does not include the initial statement of promise, when Sarah laughed and doubted.
It just amazes me, how God's timing is perfect and if He says He is going to do something He will. God doesn't break promises. So when you start to doubt and think that God forgot you, remember this story. I sure will.

1 comment:

SHOPGIRL said...

I needed to read this. I so needed to read this :o)