Thursday, May 28, 2009

There are people around us who need to know Christ. Instead of looking for something "big" to do, begin today to invest your gifts and talents in one person-Babbie Mason


Beth in NC said...

I have never heard of Babbie Mason. Is she in ministry?

I think you'll appreciate the Vlog I posted today.

Have a blessed evening!

Pastora Debbie said...

yep she is a Dove award winner. Great voice:)
gonna check out your vlog before bed:):):)

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Hi and thanks for dropping by. I am enjoying reading your blog, I am finding it spirtually uplifting,I will come back when I have some more time...

Jamie said...

Good to see some more posts. :) What is a vlog?

Pastora Debbie said...

Hey Jaime,
A vlog is a video blog:)
I can't find Beth's Im going to have to email her:)

Pastora Debbie said...

Found it!!! Loved it:)
You are so sweet, if everyone had that understanding of pastorships the world would be a better place:)
love ya!

Kim said...

Babbie grew up in Jackson MI which is just up the road from where we lived for 20 years before moving overseas :-) Love her voice, and her statement is SO TRUE. Our home church became so convinced that this is true they purposefully teach and encourage mentoring as a lifestyle. It's been exciting to see what a difference it makes! Oh the stories I could tell :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your post in Feb. called "Brand New Day" particularly touched me; we've all been there -- slow learners that we are! Thankfully He is a God who continues to forgive and gently guide. Praise Him.

Pastora Debbie said...

kim- So often we look at ministering as speaking to an entire group when it may be just mentoring one soul at a time, nurturing them in their walk with Christ. I like that mentorship thing you got going in your home church. That is awesome!